Rehearsals for our 30th Season begin August 20.
We rehearse Tuesday evenings, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Location - Golden West Middle School Music Room
2651 DeRonde Drive, Fairfield, CA
For complete details and our current sign-up form, please visit our "JOIN" page!
Be sure to click through all four tabs (Administrative, Marketing, Production, and Special) and scroll to the bottom of each page.
As we discussed, we're moving to ongoing crews for truck crew and stage crew. We'll gather all the volunteers in this form without scheduling them for particular events. The truck manager and stage manager will then access those lists of volunteers to construct schedules for their areas of concern.
If you have any questions or issues, contact Jennifer Doherty.
Keep us informed of your status via email or text to :
(If you send a text, add your name to the text body!)
2651 De Ronde Drive, Fairfield, California 94533, United States