Solano Winds is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, EIN 68-0438869. Solano Winds is funded by donations, ticket sales and online music streaming revenue. There are many ways that you can support us!
Use the PayPal DONATE button below to become a patron, or contact us at
Our patrons form the core of our community support. As a patron, you will know that you are helping to build and maintain a vibrant performing arts presence in Solano County. Your financial support helps us to provide sheet music, guest artists, commissioned works and so much more. Our small ensembles can get out into the community because of the generosity of our patrons.
You can setup an automatic monthly gift (of any amount) by using the checkbox for "Make this a monthly donation" when using the above PayPal button.
Patrons also receive benefits according to their donation level.
DONOR (up to $149):
Recognition of gift in concert program
ADMIRER ($150-$249):
Recognition of gift in concert program
Two concert vouchers for the current season
DEVOTEE ($250-$349):
Recognition of gift in concert program
Four concert vouchers for the current season
ENTHUSIAST ($350-$449):
Recognition of gift in concert program
Six concert vouchers for the current season
Recognition of gift in concert program
Eight concert vouchers for the current season
Solano Winds is a 501(c)3 organization. Our federal tax ID# is 68-043-8869.
Use the PayPal DONATE button below to become a patron, or contact us at
For more information regarding our library sponsorship, please send us an email to: give donate orchestra and symphony non profit organization Fairfield Vacaville
The Solano Winds
Robert O. Briggs Endowment Fund
and the
Solano Community Foundation
After Bob Briggs retired as Director of Bands from the University of California at Berkeley, it was only a matter of months before Solano County had its own community band based in Fairfield. Briggs was the Music Director for Solano Winds for thirteen years until his death in 2008 at age eighty-one. Before his passing, Bob established a scholarship fund that continues to supports high school musicians with their study of music. In 2013, that scholarship fund expanded to become a permanent endowment fund benefiting Solano Winds.
The Robert O. Briggs Endowment Fund is managed by the Solano Community Foundation and provides annual operational support to the Solano Winds Community Concert Band. Solano Winds earmarks the first portion of that support to continue Bob’s tradition of offering scholarships to local music students as well as providing organizational support to the band. As a part of our special Season 25 celebration, we have embarked on an ambitious campaign to grow this fund into the future.
Our patrons and concert sponsors have always been very generous, making our twenty-eight seasons possible! With a more robust endowment focused on our future, we will be able to more confidently plan ongoing programs that reflect our community’s support for the arts. Our volunteer Board of Directors will be able to more accurately project financial opportunities, assisting with long range planning and enabling more ambitious and entertaining musical programming.
To learn more about the Robert O. Briggs Endowment Fund, or to make a contribution or pledge, please visit
Robert O. Briggs
Donate your car,truck, boat or R.V., running or not to the Solano Winds!